Australian PM Decries Cannabis Whilst Downing A Couple of Beers

Australian PM Decries Cannabis Whilst Downing A Couple of Beers

CANNABIS AND CRAFT BEER He was in a brewery, so talk turned to drugs, specifically booze and cannabis. Should marijuana be legalised, or at least decriminalised, asked Hildebrand? “Look, I’ve tried (marijuana) in the past, most people have, but it’s actually stronger...
Marijuana Smokers to Get Married At Royal Weeding

Marijuana Smokers to Get Married At Royal Weeding

Any self respecting cannabis smoker will already be aware of strain of the week has been grown by Oregon based nephew of Meghan Markle, Tyler Dooley. Details of the strain’s price, flavour and effects were released on Leaf Buyer a few days ago In an online...

The California Cannabis Gauntlet – Death by a 150,000 Thousand Cuts

Authored By: Silvia San Nicolas, Esq. If we have learned anything in the last six months about California’s legalized cannabis market, we’ve learned that it’s nothing less than a gauntlet of treachery – This transitioning marketplace has drawn a perfect storm for...
Forbes Analyze Europe’s Nascent Cannabis Market

Forbes Analyze Europe’s Nascent Cannabis Market

Forbes write The companies that secure significant market share in Europe—once the market opens up—will likely become the largest cannabis companies in the world. However, while the opportunity is real, cannabis businesses, especially those in the United States, are...
Africa’s First Medical Cannabis Dispensary Opens In Durban

Africa’s First Medical Cannabis Dispensary Opens In Durban

The South African Reports Africa’s first medicinal cannabis dispensary opens in Durban While marijuana is still illegal in South Africa, Durban North now hosts the first medicinal cannabis...